If you have questions on how to use the REIF model or having issues figuring out how to generate the output you want, here is a list of places to get answers:
Alphabetical list of all "Model How To" blog posts with a short description
"How To" Tab in the Model
Walkthrough of how to use the model, how the it flows, color coded tabs and what each input tab does, color coded cells, data restrictions/locked cells, reports details, and more

FAQ about the model, how to use it, and Excel in general
Use the "Search" on the top right to try and find your solution
Model Notes
When you scroll over the cell with a red triangle in the top right corner a "note" pops to help explain what the cell does and what to do

If you can't find your answer, send us an email and we will help best we can
Support Guarantee: If you have questions or issues using the REIF model, we’ll provide assistance, including a web meeting if needed.